"Fusion cuisine is millennial here: Phoenicians, Romans and Arabs have been leaving their mark on family recipes, fueled by a variety of ingredients that few regions can boast of: one of the best orchards bathed by a sea with its own species This, together with a culinary richness, makes Cartagena's one of the most surprising tables. The best way to conquer Cartagena's cuisine is, as in the battles of yesteryear, through the port. Its fish market has the pleasure of stocking up on two Mediterranean and Minor seas: groupers, bream, dentex, mullet, anchovies, prawns, clams, prawns, whitebait..., the difficult thing is to choose." Repsol Guide. 2015.
Ascent of San Jose. 30202. Cartagena
Service Hours
Monday to Sunday
1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. |7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Reservation Telephones
968 50 52 50 |674 17 36 14
In the center of Cartagena, in front of the Punic Wall and very close to the Train & Bus stations, and the Port of Cartagena.